Covert Geo Targeter Review

Covert Geo Targeter Let Me Show you What it is

Covert Geo Targeter is a WordPress Plugin – and you know that’s red hot right now! Covert Geo Targeter lets you insert your visitor’s location (country, city, state/area and country code) anywhere on a blog – sidebar, post, post title menu, other plugins. You name it, they coded it!

Geo Targeting can be a huge conversion booster. And they have coded this in a super user friendly way – people are going to love it, and they will see instant results when they start using it on their blogs. On top of that they are going to be completely blow away by the plugin offered as the upsell – Geo Targeting on this scale has never been seen before! Covert Action Bar and Covert Messenger generated a lot of buzz and rave reviews. Covert Geo Targeter is going to completely sweep them of ther feets!

As you no doubt know, blogging is one of the most effective ways to generate free traffic these days. Google loves WordPress blogs and with very little effort you can easily rank high and get loads of traffic to your blogs.

The problem is that, because of that – everyone is blogging now And no matter how many nifty auto blogging plugins and gadgets you buy. Your visitors have seen it all before and they are just not biting! It’s not all doom and gloom though. When you have the sort of high quality traffic a blog can generate, it is easy to convert it into leads, sales and affiliate commissions. You just need a fresh approach.

Something your visitors haven’t seen before. Something that makes your blog stand out from the crowd. Covert Messenger was just such a thing and that’s why it still works so great. And that success made it clear to us that they were on to something huge – and they set out to create something even bigger!

Covert Geo Targeter Review

If you have ever visited a web site that promotes dating offers, you will have noticed a common thread among all of them. They are all using Geo Targeting – meaning you see your own City, State & Country in their ads. That is why they created Covert Geo Targeter.

Covert Geo Targeter is all extremely simple to use use. All you need to to is generate an API key, they’ll show you how – and don’t worry it’s completely free. Then you can use the 4 short codes you see above anywhere on your blog and the plugin will automatically display your visitor’s actual geo location.

Covert Geo Targeter Plugin Has At Least Tripled The Response Rate Of Every Single Blog They Have Used It On! And it works for a very simple reason. People buy from people they know, like and trust. And while this won’t make them “know” you, it will make them like and trust you. Because using their geo location on your blog, automatically makes you, your content and your offers seem much more relevant and closer to your customers. And they all like feeling important – and seeing a website that appears to be built specifically for people in their town, state or country gives us a fussy feeling (whether they like it or not)

And remember This strategy is in NO way limited to adult or dating sites. In fact there are no dating affiliates left reading this – they have all clicked the buy button already – because they know how powerful this is! And the many uses of this powerful plugin are only limited by your imagination.

Even though this plugin is super simple to use – It’s still more powerful than all other things you have ever tried on your blog. Obviously people are willing to pay big for simple to implement technology that has been proven to increase clicks, subscriptions and sales. And they fully intend to release this at a much higher price later on – $47 or more! But right now, and from this special page only You can get your hands on the Covert Geo Targeter plugin for a fraction of that! Get It Now.

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===Check out The Covert Geo Targeter following Bonus You’ll Get===

Covert Geo Targeter Overview


Covert Geo Targeter is a plugin so powerful that copy & pasting a single word anywhere on your blogs can easily triple your clicks, leads & sales! Geo targeting your blogs and using your visitor's actual location in your titles, posts, ads and more can be a huge conversion booster for you. It makes you stand their from the crowd and it's guaranteed to get people's attention, make them read your post and click your ads. The new Covert Geo Targeter plugin allows you to insert your visitors City, State & Country anywhere on your blog. The Covert Geo Targeter plugin is available as a WSO right now and it's still super cheap. However it is a dime sale, so the price does go up with every order! I highly recommend that you check it out now - it's really good - and you'd want to get in before the price goes up!
9 Total Score

Covert Geo Targeter is a plugin so powerful that copy & pasting a single word anywhere on your blogs can easily triple your clicks, leads & sales! Geo targeting your blogs and using your visitor's actual location in your titles, posts, ads and more can be a huge conversion booster for you. It makes you stand their from the crowd and it's guaranteed to get people's attention, make them read your post and click your ads. The new Covert Geo Targeter plugin allows you to insert your visitors City, State & Country anywhere on your blog. The Covert Geo Targeter plugin is available as a WSO right now and it's still super cheap. However it is a dime sale, so the price does go up with every order! I highly recommend that you check it out now - it's really good - and you'd want to get in before the price goes up!

Easy To Use


Covert Geo Targeter Features

  • Covert Geo Targeter is a super simple to use and install (1 click install) WordPress plugin. That means the software will work on any computer, all you need in order to use it, is a self hosted WordPress blog.
  • 100% certainty that using Geo Targeting in your ads increases the response rates at least 3x
  • Geo Targeting works very well in all niches – and without any exceptions all the blogs they used it on had a significant increase in response rates!
  • Geo Targeting Compels Your Visitors To Read Your Blog, Click Your Ads & Links!
  • The new Covert Geo Targeter plugin allows you to insert your visitors City, State & Country anywhere on your blog, including: Post and page titles, Widgets and widget titles, In other plugins, Custom menus, And of course in posts and page.
  • The Covert Geo Targeter short codes will even work inside other plugins (provided that they support shortcodes). Naturally their Covert Action Bar and Covert Messenger plugins do, so you can now geo target those.
  • You can insert these geo location short codes in any area of your blog that supports short codes, including but not limited to: Post and Page titles, Custom Menus, Widgets & Widget Titles, Post and Page text, Other Plugins, Directly into the code of your theme.
  • And in just a couple of minutes you can have the Covert Geo Targeter up and running on your blog.

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===Check out The Covert Geo Targeter following Bonus You’ll Get===

What Covert Geo Targeter Can do for you

  • Use their geo location in your call to action and links to make it seem like it’s a special deal only available to them.
  • Put their location in your titles and posts to catch their attention and get them to read your content. (This has lowered out bounce rate, leading to more Google love and higher rankings!)
  • Use their location your ad widgets to make them seem more relevant and increase CTR
  • Use the shortcode in hidden fields or to prefill forms – or use them in dynamic links to pass the values on to other pages outside of your blog!
  • Use geo location in other plugins, uncluding Covert Action Bar and Covert Messenger to massively boost their effect!
  • And of course much more – they’re looking forward to hearing what ingenius uses you come up with 🙂
  • Use Covert Geo Targeter on as many of your own blogs as you like – existing and future ones!
  • You can even use it on blogs you build for clients or on blogs you flip for profit!

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Covert Geo Targeter Bonus Package

Special Bonuses for the Dope Review Audience: You’ll get all the bonuses listed on the Salespage, but I’m going to give you guys a SPECIAL bonus as well. If you Download Covert Geo Targeter via any link on this page you’ll also get my bonus package $2100 Value. Believe me, my bonus package will save you time, money and make your life a little easier !

Check Out The Huge Bonuses You’ll Get FREE

Total Value : $2100+

Bonus #1: Quick Guide To WordPress SEO


Bonus #2: WP Easy Optin Pro Plugin


The easiest way to add email blocks to any blog page in your wordpress theme.An effective way to increase your mailing list through blog posts.


wp-video-optinBONUS #4: GRAPHICS BLACKBOXGrab your graphics design solution and shortcut.367 brand new and original graphics for your website.For a total of 20 modules

Bonus #5: Ultimate Sales Page

salespageBonus #6: Ultimate Minisite Templatesb14

Bonus #7: Wp EZ Share It Plugin

Wp-EZ-Share-It-PluginNew Powerful, Off-The-Grid WP Plugin Allows Users To Share Your Images And Videos Of Your Blog And Link Them Back To You…Generating A Tsunami Of Traffic To YOUR Blog!

Bonus #8: SEO Stone Plugin


Bonus #9: Social Signals for SEO

social signals for seo


Bonus #11: 50+ Niche Pack



The ebook was written by a seasoned ghostwriter with over 12 years experience, and focuses on building dynamic, powerful backlink campaigns that will FLOOD your website with FREE targeted traffic, forever! Over 40 pages of content included!




Based on 7+ years of experience with WordPress. Avoid The Deadly, Stupid, Profit Crushing WordPress Mistakes.


Quickly and easily protect your wordpress sites with these amazing security secrets that will stop hackers dead in their tracks.

Bonus #17: The Traffic Generation Personality Type


Bonus #18: Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!


Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!

Bonus #19: Instagram Traffic

ecover-2-transparentFor the first time ever… You’ll learn how to use Instagram to create a viral buzz for your products that are people who are going to go crazy for… See Instagram followers differ to Facebook users, since they will see every single post you write, bringing in traffic, and when you master a few golden never before seen secrets, you’ll be MILES AHEAD of the competition

Bonus #20: Pinterest Perfection


Bonus #21: Youtube Video Mastery

5Learn how to use YouTube to earn passive income, monetize your videos & most importantly create compelling video content specifically for your YouTube videos.

Bonus #22: Tube Ads Genie


Literally Force Visitors Who Watch Videos On Your Site To Click on YOUR ADS Bringing You Commissions & Sales On Complete AUTOPILOT

Bonus #23: Video Marketing Hack


Bonus #24: Instant Traffic Mastery



Learn how you can achieve 50% open rates & 30% click rates from all your emails.

Bonus #26: 20 Background Images


With these 20 professionally background images. If you are looking for the best graphics to spruce up your website, these are the ones you need!

Bonus #27: 30 Stunning Graphical Images For Website


4% more total views on average are attracted by content containing compelling images than content without images. The better and clearer the images, the higher the consumer base!

Just 2 simple steps to get these bonuses

  1. Try Covert Geo Targeter by Clicking here to download it now or via any link on this page
  2. Your bonuses will be delivered inside your JVZoo Purchases Dashboard, Warriorplus, etc. If you cannot find them, forward the receipt to my email at: . I’ll help you out.


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Bonus #28: Flash Pages Plugin


Create extremely fast marketing pages in literally seconds that look professional and are proven to convert

Bonus #29: Sales Page Wizard


A step-by-step wizard that will build out your entire funnel and sales pages with NO development or design skills required.

Bonus #30: FB Webinars

Screenshot-2014-08-14-13.03.26-1024x664Generate more traffic from Facebook with this really cool software for generating webinars on Facebook that drive more traffic and sales for your offers

Bonus #31: Scarcity Demon


This is a WordPress plugin that will create instant real one time offer pages with unique counters built in.Scarcity Demon will literally put YOU in control of time – and you don’t even need technical expertise to get those countdown timers up and running on all of your offers. With Scarcity Demon installed on your offers, your buyers will be racing against the clock to hit to hit those buy buttons again and again!

Bonus #32: Local Lead Booster

llbThe perfect plugin to help generate massive amounts of new opportunities and leads for your local business.

Bonus #33: Wp Local Business Plugin


An Easy To Use System That Creates Social-Powered Business Landing Pages In Seconds!Everything You Need To Setup A Killer Professional Business Landing Page That Anyone Can Create! This system is designed for anyone who wants to get a full business landing page site up and running in minutes without installing a big bulky

Bonus #34: Uber Optin plugin


Bonus #35: Membership Income Course


Bonus #36: WP Members Pro


Bonus #37: Interview with membership expert Dennis Becker


Bonus #38: WP Store Press


WP Store Press is a WordPress theme that will allow you to easily create your own shopping mall within Facebook. This WordPress theme has been designed to allow e-commerce marketers to have Facebook, mobile, and pc based e-commerce stores up and running in as little as five minutes. This is perfect for anyone who is wanting to tap into the power of Facebook to sell their products.

Bonus #39: Sales Funnel Explosion


Learn how to maximize each visitor and customer by creating a sales funnel that can double or triple your conversions and revenue!

Bonus #40: WP Cloud-Based Support & Knowledgebase


See how you can turn any WordPress site, into a professional support & knowledgebase center for your customers and prospects.

Bonus #41: WP Viral Page Plugin


Make highly shareable pages for social media sites using special effects andmusic with this wordpress plugin. Fun and easy to use!

Bonus #42: Headline Creation Course


Bonus #43: WP Email Countdown


A Powerful And Crazy Profitable WordPress Plugin That Allows You To Inject Scarcity In Your Emails With Effective Countdown Timers That Will Make People Do Your Bidding And Generate RESULTS For You!

Bonus #44: WP Magic Page


Create timed-video pages that work directly inside of WordPress, with just a couple of clicks.

Bonus #45: Hilite and Share


Hilite and Share: Encourage Readers To Share Your Best Content, And Bring More Traffic Back To Your Site! Gives Your Readers A New Easy Way To Share Your Best Content.

Bonus #46: Social boost plugin



Your turn

“It’s A Great Deal. Should I Invest Today?”

Not only are you getting access to Covert Geo Targeter for the best price ever offered, but also You’re investing entirely without risk. Covert Geo Targeter include a 30-day Money Back Guarantee Policy. When you choose Covert Geo Targeter, your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not completely satisfied with it for any reason within the first 30 days, you’re entitled to a full refund – no question asked. You’ve got nothing to lose! What Are You Waiting for ? Try Covert Geo Targeter today and get The Following Bonus Now !


Editor's choice

I’m a young internet marketer who love any sorts of make money online. I only recommend powerful tools, marketing courses, plugins or anything which gives me pretty good results. There are many Internet Marketing tools over there and I only recommend powerful tools that can help us to increase revenues.
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