Sorry, this offer is sold out - but don't worry, there's still a chance you can get in. Sometimes students drop out of the program and give up their spot to the next person in line. Submit a ticket at the link below and we'll let you know if any spots like this become available.

By signing up today, you guarantee yourself 1 of the 50 available spots in "7 Figure Copybot Partners"...

Where I (Peter Beattie) and my team will help you launch your very own personalized CLONE of my already successful AI Copybot Agency...

So you can leverage my 14 years of skills, knowledge and experience as a million dollar copywriter - as your OWN - while keeping 100% of the profits all to yourself!


This is where I (Peter) will be holding your hand and guiding you through his proven process for launching your new Copybot Agency, winning your first paying Copybot Project within 7 days while getting PeteBot to do all the fulfillment work for you. Then, I'll show you how to sell your new Copybot Agency for a big payday - or as some people call it - “F❤️CK YOU MONEY”.


Instant Access to my tried and tested, proven to work templates, scripts, prompt sequences, swipe files, step by step checklists and more! So you can use what’s already working for me to shortcut your success and you don’t waste months second guessing yourself and reinventing the wheel. This includes "The Copybot Prompt Sequence" and "The Copybot Reachout Script", among many other resources not mentioned on the webinar.


As a 7 Figure Copybot Partner, you'll be invited to schedule a 1 on 1 “Kickoff Call” with me where you can ask me ANY questions you want about your business. I’ll also help you develop a “Personalized Action Plan” to reach YOUR specific income goals in this program. We'll also meet live - every week - on The Copybot Mastermind call where I'll be reviewing/approving everything you do to ensure you're moving forward towards your income goals.
 Sorry, this offer is sold out - but don't worry, there's still a chance you can get in. Sometimes students drop out of the program and give up their spot to the next person in line. Submit a ticket at the link below and we'll let you know if any spots like this become available.

"This REALLY IS an achievable way to start your own copywriting agency - in just a few days - from scratch - with almost NO experience!"
Gordon J. from Australia
"I very much look forward to deploying this, to obtain clients, provide value and make money in the process!"
Lee T.
"I enjoy how in depth you went into the entire system. The prompts. How to follow the sequences. Thank you for the opportunity. I'm excited to go forward!"
Carlos L.
"I can provide a MUCH NEEDED service for so many businesses that can benefit from the untapped revenue that's basically just sitting in their email list!"
Sharletta D.
"I've implemented new income streams in my business...If you wanna take my advice, buy this course as soon as you can!"
Olive O. from London, UK
"This can change your life. Listen to Peter. Get Copybot Arbitrage and I guarantee - if you use it - you will succeed. I succeeded."
Gloria C.
Plus, When You Sign Up
 You Get These Exclusive Bonuses!


You can submit a request to claim EXCLUSIVE rights to operate this business in ANY niche you choose..

So no one else using this system will EVER be a direct competitor to you…

And you can claim all of the profits to yourself!


I’ve already picked 100 of the HOTTEST local business niches….

…and had PeteBot write - brand new 100% unique and GUARANTEED to convert, Copybot Email Campaigns for ALL of them!

These are ready to SEND - to start generating BIG Copybot Commissions for you!

BONUS #3: THE 5 MIN $1,500 AI WEBSITE ($1,500 VALUE)

I’m gonna reveal how I upsell my Copybot Clients into $1,500 websites…

How to get AI to do all the work in a few button clicks…

And how I get paid PASSIVE commissions for YEARS while doing literally NOTHING.


Upon graduation, I’m also giving you access to my audience of 5,000+ email subscribers…

Who are ALL small business owners and entrepreneurs…

Which will put you in front of THOUSANDS of potential new Copybot Clients!


I’m currently developing a new software that takes the process of creating these email campaigns…

Down from about 1 hour of copying & pasting prompts…

To just 5 MINUTES - and a few button pushes.
"The Copybot Agency Buy-Back Guarantee"
Sign up and show up. You have a FULL YEAR to try out the program and give it a fair shot. If for some crazy reason you don’t earn a return on your investment within that time, email me and I will BUY BACK your Niche Territory - in the form of a full refund. Please do not abuse this more than generous guarantee. You promise to follow the steps and ask for help if you get stuck.
 Sorry, this offer is sold out - but don't worry, there's still a chance you can get in. Sometimes students drop out of the program and give up their spot to the next person in line. Submit a ticket at the link below and we'll let you know if any spots like this become available.

What people are saying about working with Peter...
"This REALLY IS an achievable way to start your own copywriting agency - in just a few days - from scratch - with almost NO experience!"
Gordon from Australia
"Last month I did $71,475!"
Kevin P. from Chester Springs, Pennsylvania
"Right now I have 11 clients"
Shawn B. from North Attleboro, Massachusetts
"I'm on my way to my first $10,000 month!"
Subira F. from Baltimore, Maryland
"He paid!!! First high ticket sale! Thank you so much."
Eduard S. from Bucharest, Romania
"I now have a $500,000 per year business!"
Luke T. from Queensland, Australia
"$27,055 in sales in a life is literally changed!"
Ron H.
"Today is my last day working in the office! Bye 9-5 job!"
Stevian R. from Savannah, Tennessee
"Landed a $2,000 Per Month Client In Exactly 30 Days!!!"
James H. from Bozeman, Montana
"This REALLY IS an achievable way to start your own copywriting agency - in just a few days - from scratch - with almost NO experience!"
Gordon J. from Australia
"Last month I did $71,475!"
Kevin P. from Chester Springs, Pennsylvania
"Right now I have 11 clients"
Shawn B. from North Attleboro, Massachusetts
"I'm on my way to my first $10,000 month!"
Subira F. from Baltimore, Maryland
"He paid!!! First high ticket sale! Thank you so much."
Eduard S. from Bucharest, Romania
"I now have a $500,000 per year business!"
Luke T. from Queensland, Australia
"$27,055 in sales in a life is literally changed!"
Ron H.
"Today is my last day working in the office! Bye 9-5 job!"
Stevian R. from Savannah, Tennessee
"Landed a $2,000 Per Month Client In Exactly 30 Days!!!"
James H. from Bozeman, Montana
"His system has transformed my agency. Peter is the real deal..."
Ahryn S.
"Results were phenomenal...just shy of 1,500 sales!"
Tony E.
"I can provide a MUCH NEEDED service for so many businesses!"
Sharletta D. from Atlanta, Georgia
"Last month I profited $5,344 online and I'm just getting started!!!"
Marouane Bembli from Bradenton, Florida
"10s of 1000s of dollars 99% passively..."
Matt W. from Champlin, Minnesota
"He genuinely wants you to succeed and does what it takes to make you a success..."
Dr. Rick Brinkman, Bestselling Author, Speaker & Trainer
"Peter is extremely good at what he does...The amount of business Sent my way by having him run my ad page has been astounding!"
Martin T. from Hollis, Maine
"As a result of this, I've implemented new income streams in my business...If you wanna take my advice, buy this course as soon as you can!"
Olive O. from London, UK
"Peter is the real if you ever get the chance to work with him then go grab the chance...he is someone whom you can trust blindly..."
Nikhil N. from Mumbai, Maharashtra
"Last month I profited $5,344 online and I'm just getting started!!!"
Marouane Bembli from Bradenton, Florida
“As a result of this, I’ve implemented new income streams in my business!!”
Olive from London, UK
"He genuinely wants you to succeed and does what it takes to make you a success..."
Dr. Rick Brinkman, Bestselling Author, Speaker & Trainer
"Peter is extremely good at what he does...The amount of business Sent my way by having him run my ad page has been astounding!"
Martin T. from Hollis, Maine
"These products have generated me 10s of 1000s of dollars 99% passively and it helped fund my current businesses..."
Matt W. from Champlin, Minnesota
"Peter is the real if you ever get the chance to work with him then go grab the chance...he is someone whom you can trust blindly..."
Nikhil N. from Mumbai, Maharashtra
  Sorry, this offer is sold out - but don't worry, there's still a chance you can get in. Sometimes students drop out of the program and give up their spot to the next person in line. Submit a ticket at the link below and we'll let you know if any spots like this become available.

No matter if you get a spot in 7 Figure Copybot Partners or not, I hope you enjoyed the Free live training and I wish you the best of luck in your business.

Talk soon,

Peter Beattie

 Need Help? Contact Gloria below...

"Hi, I'm Gloria - The Customer Success Director here at 7 Figure Copybot Partners. I'm your first line of contact if you need help with anything. To contact me, just click the button below and I'll get back to you ASAP!"

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