Sendiio 3.0 Review

Sendiio 3.0 Let Me Show you What it is

Sendiio 3.0 is the 1st and ONLY Autoresponder That Combines REAL Artificial Intelligence WITH The POWER of Email, Text, and Facebook Messenger Marketing Under ONE Central Dashboard.

Today, a fellow marketer has FINALLY blended the BEST of two worlds together to allow you to skyrocket your profit by leveraging the MOST powerful marketing platforms ever. Imagine having access to: an unlimited email autoresponder, an unlimited SMS/text autoresponder, an unlimited FB Marketing autoresponder AND combining ALL of that with a powerful. A.I Engine to write ALL of your subject lines, email copy, text messages and FB messages FOR YOU.

Sendiio 3.0 Review

I’m talking about an autoresponder that ALSO comes built-in with a WHOLE A.I writing engine, so that: It can write ALL your subject lines for higher open rates for you. It can write ALL of your email copy for you for higher engagement and clicks on your offers. It can write ALL of your SMS texts for you for higher conversions on your mobile offers. It can write ALL of your FB messenger copy for you for higher conversions on your social offers and imagine if that Autoresponder has been around since 2019 and serves over 12k users and delivers over 1M messages PER DAY. And Imagine if this was ALL built inside ONE single dashboard so you can tap into the 3 MOST profitable marketing channels EVER while having A.I write ALL your copy for you for higher conversion. That’s EXACTLY what you get with Sendiio 3.0.



And the even BETTER part is that Sendiio 3.0 is one of the EASIEST Autoresponders to get set up with. All you have to do is follow 3 simple steps:

  • Step 1. Import your lists and create your campaign
  • Step 2. Let A.I write ALL your copy FOR YOU directly inside the dashboard!
  • Step 3. Send (or schedule) your campaign
  • Step 4. Sit back and enjoy your profits.

At this point there’s not much else to say. You either want to skyrocket your profit with email marketing, or you don’t. You either want to skyrocket your profit with text message marketing, or you don’t. You either want to skyrocket your profit with FB Messenger marketing, or you don’t. You either want to get your hands on the BEST, FIRST and ONLY autoresponder to combine the power of Email, text and FB messenger, or you don’t. Sediio 3.0 is the FIRST of it’s kind and something you do NOT want to miss out on. Get It Now.

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Sendiio 3.0 Overview


Sendiio 3.0 is the 1st and Only Artifically Intelligent Autoresponder That Combines The Power Of Email Marketing, Text Message Marketing And Facebook Messenger Marketing All Under One, Central Dashboard - At A One-Time price. You can now tap into the 3 MOST profitable marketing channels in ONE PLACE! They no longer have to wonder if email is best, text is best or facebook messenger is best. The fact is: THEY ALL WORK and are ALL EXTREMELY Profitabbe! And they can now tap into ALL of them and maximize their profits. PLUS in Version 3.0, our A.I Writing Engine will write ALL of their high-converting sales copy FOR THEM as well as their subject lines.
9.2 Total Score

Sendiio 3.0 is the 1st and Only Artifically Intelligent Autoresponder That Combines The Power Of Email Marketing, Text Message Marketing And Facebook Messenger Marketing All Under One, Central Dashboard - At A One-Time price. You can now tap into the 3 MOST profitable marketing channels in ONE PLACE! They no longer have to wonder if email is best, text is best or facebook messenger is best. The fact is: THEY ALL WORK and are ALL EXTREMELY Profitabbe! And they can now tap into ALL of them and maximize their profits. PLUS in Version 3.0, our A.I Writing Engine will write ALL of their high-converting sales copy FOR THEM as well as their subject lines.

Easy To Use


Sendiio 3.0 Features

  • NEW A.I Email, SMS and Messenger Copywriter: One of their BIGGEST updates to date – Sendiio 3.0 Goes A.I!! This is the FIRST fully-AI-integrated autoresponder of its kind to hit JVZOO. They’ve integrated REAL A.I in ALL areas inside of Sendiio 3.0 so that you can have high-converting sales copy written for you WITHOUT having to be a professional copywriter (or hire an expensive copywriter) yourself.
  • NEW A.I Subject Writer: With A.I Subject writer, you can ensure that your always getting MAXIMUM open rates.
  • NEW Hybrid Sequences Feature: You can leverage every form of communication that your subscribers use so they can get MULTIPLE exposures to your message. One automated sequence that reaches your subscribers on multiple channels!
  • NEW Ringless Voicemail Campaigns: This update will allow you to create campaigns that go DIRECTLY to the MOST used device of your customers. You’ll be able to tap into texts AND their voicemails. (this is actuall a VERY limited-time bonus during our 3.0 launch)
  • NEW LIVE Calling Feature WITH Recordings: Sendiio 3.0 is PERFECT for those of you who prefer to call your potential customer on the phone. This feature allows you to be on the phone within SECONDS by just clicking a few buttons. PLUS, to make it even BETTER, your calls get automatically recorded and saved inside your dashboard so you can refer back to them at any time. Not just that, you could also type out any notes from the call that also get automatically saved to your campaign, so you can ensure you have ALL the important information at your disposal INSTANTLY.
  • NEW Ad-Blocks Feature: This feature allows you to create and deploy text or image ads in the “PS” area of your emails to monetize your campaigns even more. You could add additional offers, sell the ad space, cross promote your own products, set up cross promos with other marketers etc etc. The “PS” area is easily one of the most PROFITABLE areas of your email. With their Ad-Blocks feature, you can activate additional products in ONE click!
  • Automated Lists Cleanup With MillionVerifier: Keeping a list “clean” pretty much means that you are automatically removing people who’s emails bounce, emails that no longer exist, spamtrap emails, etc etc Pretty much ensuring that any and all “bad” emails don’t end up on your list. Because if you continue to send emails to these “bad” emails your sending reputation takes a hit and your open rates will suffer long term. With Sendiio 3.0, they’ve automated this process with one of the TOP lists cleaning companies on the internet.
  • Automated Language Translation for Email Campaigns: Well, with their automated email translator you can INSTANTLY have our system translate and deliver your emails in WHATEVER language you’d like. This allows you to seamlessly tap into a GLOBAL market without having to translate your content yourself.
  • Automatic Collection of Subscribers Geolocation: You’ll be able to segment your campaigns based on location AND also leverage the language translator to “speak” to your subscribers in the language they’re most comfortable with. This takes your open rates and engagement to a whole new level when you can get THIS personal with your subscribers.
  • Totally Revamped User Interface: This one was LONG-overdue, but they finally made it happen. With Sendiio 3.0 being PACKED with soooo many amazing features, things did start to get a bit clunky and “messy” inside of our User Dashboard. So they decided to clean things up a bit, restructure our entire Interface AND give it an entirely new look at the same time. They made it alot easier to navigate, simplified all the options and just made it WAY more user-friendly.
  • And A TON of other AMAZING Updates: They have a ton of other amazing updates like a total UI overhaul of our Email sequences to make that even easier to use, our NEW Subscribers “Weight” Feature which allows you to filter out your MOST engaged subscribers and tailor campaigns JUST to them, our SparkPost Mail Provider Integration for those who rather use that as their premium SMTP provider, and much much more…

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Sendiio 3.0 Will Work For Everyone

  • Affiliate Marketing: Email, Text and FB messenger to generate affiliate sales? Yup, Sendiio 3.0 works with ALL three! In fact, it can easily be said that affiliate marketing was built on the back of email – and now Text and FB messenger has allowed affiliates to take it to the next level.
  • e-Commerce Stores: Yup, if anyone DESPERATELY needs the power of email, text and FB messenger, it’s e-commerce stores. Since they ship to people’s homes and are likely using paid ads to get sales, there’s a good chance they’re already capturing emails, phone numbers AND FB messenger subscribers – but have NO idea what to do with that information!
  • Digital Product Vendors: As a digital product vendor myself, list building is what allowed you to FINALLY leave your 9-5 job and go full-time online. Sendiio 3.0 is the most powerful asset you can posses and it can supply you with predictable, long-term income.
  • Local Marketers: If you’re dealing with ANY kind of local business, implementing email, text and FB messenger for your clients is probably the EASIEST of all the other business models. Think about it – your clients deal with people face-to-face, they can easily ask them to sign up to their mailing list, or get text updates, or even connect with their FB page in exchange for a discount on products or services. And there’s a good chance, MANY local businesses already have a list of customers in an excel sheet somewhere just collecting DUST! Offer them these 3 additional services and add an endless supply of recurring income to your bottom line!
  • Sendiio 3.0 is for ANY other business model online or offline. ANY business, big or small, MUST be implementing Email, Text and FB messenger as part of their sales and marketing strategy. Those that are NOT are leaving a TON of profit on the table and if they don’t adapt quickly, they’re going to be left behind.

Sendiio 3.0 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a monthly Fee? Not right now. During their charter-members sale, they’re waiving their monthly fee.
  • Is there any additional, required fees to make this work? Absolutely not. The only extra (optional) fees that you may incur, is if you choose to go with a premium SMTP provider to send your emails, however, most of them have a FREE plan and if you input multiple accounts, you can get up to 50,000 emails every month FOR FREE. Another cost that can incur is heavy usage of text messages. Since they integrate with Twilio for BEST delivery, they charge per text message sent. However, they have a PAY-AS-YOU-USE payment system, so you can profit while you use them instead of worrying about a monthly payment.
  • Do You provide step-by-step tutorials? Yes. They not only pride themselves on building apps that are easy-to-use out of the gate, they’ve also put together complete tutorials on every step of Sendiio 3.0. And even if you still have trouble, our support is account to help.
  • What are your upsells? Upgrade #1: is their Sendiio 3.0 Academy Training – In this training I’m going to show you how to build your first 1,000 subscribers in the next 30 days or less. I’m going to share with you over 10 different FREE traffic strategies that you can start using TODAY to start building your list. This will be a one-time payment of $67. Upgrade #2: is upgrading to securing a presell spot to Sendiio 3.0 Elite package – With Sendiio 3.0 elite package you can bypass the technical SMTP set up process and send emails using this powerful servers of SEASONED IP Addresses. This will ensure you get HIGHER, FASTER, and more RELIABLE delivery right out of the gate. Again, this requires ZERO set up and you just have to import your email list, connect the domain you want to send from and start emailing right away! We’ll be offering 2 different packages at $67/m and $57/m. However we are offering presell spots for only $1 during this launch which will open up 30 days from now.
  • Upgrade #3: is unlocking our Sendiio 3.0 Booster feature – Yet another unique feature EXCLUSIVELY for Sendiio 3.0. Sending an email in the morning and then sending an email to those people who DID NOT open your emails LATER in the evening is one of the MOST profitable strategies when emailing your list. However, with EVERY other autoresponder, you actually have to LOGIN again in the evening time to schedule this second email. With Sendiio 3.0, we’ve automated this process. You set up your email ONCE in the morning time and you can have Sendiio 3.0 AUTOMATICALLY send to your UNOPENS for you later in the day. You’ll be able to specify how many hours after your first email you want the second email to be sent And you’ll be able to automatically set a different subject line as well (another powerful trick when emailing your unopens). Upgrade #4: is unlocking our VA license – This powerful and UNIQUE feature to Send, is the ability to give access to your VA to run campaigns for you and NEVER compromise your contacts. They’ll be able to send campaigns for you, but NEVER get access to ANY of your leads. NO OTHER autoresponder does this, with “those other guys” you have to actually give access to your entire account (and risk your leads being stolen) if you wanted to have someone run your campaigns for you. With this feature, you’ll still have the power to outsource, but NEVER compromise your leads.
  • Upgrade #5: is access to EmailRamp and it’s Club Upsell in ONE. EmailRamp come preloaded with high-converting emails that you can copy and paste directly into your Sendiio 3.0 account so you can profit right away WITHOUT ever writing a single word yourself. They have over 1700 emails in 9 different niches and 10 different types of emails from storytelling, re-engagement, product launch, emotional emails and much much more. Plus I negotiated that they include their Club Upsell which allows customizing and personalizing the emails AND being able to send them to your VA within the app so they can send them out for you. You get access to BOTH for onl $67 which outside of this deal, you’d have to buy EACH SEPARATELY! And that’s it! no other upsell after that and of course, they’re ALL optional!

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Sendiio 3.0 Bonus Package

Sendiio 3.0 Bonus


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You've got nothing to lose. Try Sendiio 3.0 Today And You'll Also Get The Following Bonus!

Special Bonuses for the Dope Review Audience: You’ll get all the bonuses listed on the Salespage, but I’m going to give you guys a SPECIAL bonus as well. If you Download Sendiio 3.0 via any link on this page you’ll also get my bonus package $2100 Value. Believe me, my bonus package will save you time, money and make your life a little easier !

Check Out The Huge Bonuses You’ll Get FREE

Total Value : $2100+

Bonus #1: Quick Guide To WordPress SEO


Bonus #2: WP Easy Optin Pro Plugin


The easiest way to add email blocks to any blog page in your wordpress theme.An effective way to increase your mailing list through blog posts.




wp-video-optinBONUS #4: GRAPHICS BLACKBOXGrab your graphics design solution and shortcut.367 brand new and original graphics for your website.For a total of 20 modules

Bonus #5: Ultimate Sales Page

salespageBonus #6: Ultimate Minisite Templatesb14

Bonus #7: Wp EZ Share It Plugin

Wp-EZ-Share-It-PluginNew Powerful, Off-The-Grid WP Plugin Allows Users To Share Your Images And Videos Of Your Blog And Link Them Back To You…Generating A Tsunami Of Traffic To YOUR Blog!

Bonus #8: SEO Stone Plugin


Bonus #9: Social Signals for SEO

social signals for seo


Bonus #11: 50+ Niche Pack



The ebook was written by a seasoned ghostwriter with over 12 years experience, and focuses on building dynamic, powerful backlink campaigns that will FLOOD your website with FREE targeted traffic, forever! Over 40 pages of content included!




Based on 7+ years of experience with WordPress. Avoid The Deadly, Stupid, Profit Crushing WordPress Mistakes.


Quickly and easily protect your wordpress sites with these amazing security secrets that will stop hackers dead in their tracks.

Bonus #17: The Traffic Generation Personality Type


Bonus #18: Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!


Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!

Bonus #19: Instagram Traffic

ecover-2-transparentFor the first time ever… You’ll learn how to use Instagram to create a viral buzz for your products that are people who are going to go crazy for… See Instagram followers differ to Facebook users, since they will see every single post you write, bringing in traffic, and when you master a few golden never before seen secrets, you’ll be MILES AHEAD of the competition

Bonus #20: Pinterest Perfection


Bonus #21: Youtube Video Mastery

5Learn how to use YouTube to earn passive income, monetize your videos & most importantly create compelling video content specifically for your YouTube videos.

Bonus #22: Tube Ads Genie


Literally Force Visitors Who Watch Videos On Your Site To Click on YOUR ADS Bringing You Commissions & Sales On Complete AUTOPILOT

Bonus #23: Video Marketing Hack


Bonus #24: Instant Traffic Mastery



Learn how you can achieve 50% open rates & 30% click rates from all your emails.

Bonus #26: 20 Background Images


With these 20 professionally background images. If you are looking for the best graphics to spruce up your website, these are the ones you need!

Bonus #27: 30 Stunning Graphical Images For Website


4% more total views on average are attracted by content containing compelling images than content without images. The better and clearer the images, the higher the consumer base!




Just 2 simple steps to get these bonuses

  1. Try Sendiio 3.0 by Clicking here to download it now or via any link on this page
  2. Your bonuses will be delivered inside your JVZoo Purchases Dashboard, Warriorplus, etc. If you cannot find them, forward the receipt to my email at: . I’ll help you out.



Q: How can I be sure that I’m purchasing product through your link on JVZoo ?

A: When you purchase via my link on JVZoo You can see my aff number 407029 at the bottom of the checkout page : Terms Of Sales

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What, You Want More? Since You Asked…



Bonus #28: Flash Pages Plugin


Create extremely fast marketing pages in literally seconds that look professional and are proven to convert

Bonus #29: Sales Page Wizard


A step-by-step wizard that will build out your entire funnel and sales pages with NO development or design skills required.

Bonus #30: FB Webinars

Screenshot-2014-08-14-13.03.26-1024x664Generate more traffic from Facebook with this really cool software for generating webinars on Facebook that drive more traffic and sales for your offers

Bonus #31: Scarcity Demon


This is a WordPress plugin that will create instant real one time offer pages with unique counters built in.Scarcity Demon will literally put YOU in control of time – and you don’t even need technical expertise to get those countdown timers up and running on all of your offers. With Scarcity Demon installed on your offers, your buyers will be racing against the clock to hit to hit those buy buttons again and again!

Bonus #32: Local Lead Booster

llbThe perfect plugin to help generate massive amounts of new opportunities and leads for your local business.

Bonus #33: Wp Local Business Plugin


An Easy To Use System That Creates Social-Powered Business Landing Pages In Seconds!Everything You Need To Setup A Killer Professional Business Landing Page That Anyone Can Create! This system is designed for anyone who wants to get a full business landing page site up and running in minutes without installing a big bulky

Bonus #34: Uber Optin plugin


Bonus #35: Membership Income Course


Bonus #36: WP Members Pro


Bonus #37: Interview with membership expert Dennis Becker


Bonus #38: WP Store Press


WP Store Press is a WordPress theme that will allow you to easily create your own shopping mall within Facebook. This WordPress theme has been designed to allow e-commerce marketers to have Facebook, mobile, and pc based e-commerce stores up and running in as little as five minutes. This is perfect for anyone who is wanting to tap into the power of Facebook to sell their products.

Bonus #39: Sales Funnel Explosion


Learn how to maximize each visitor and customer by creating a sales funnel that can double or triple your conversions and revenue!

Bonus #40: WP Cloud-Based Support & Knowledgebase


See how you can turn any WordPress site, into a professional support & knowledgebase center for your customers and prospects.

Bonus #41: WP Viral Page Plugin


Make highly shareable pages for social media sites using special effects andmusic with this wordpress plugin. Fun and easy to use!

Bonus #42: Headline Creation Course


Bonus #43: WP Email Countdown


A Powerful And Crazy Profitable WordPress Plugin That Allows You To Inject Scarcity In Your Emails With Effective Countdown Timers That Will Make People Do Your Bidding And Generate RESULTS For You!

Bonus #44: WP Magic Page


Create timed-video pages that work directly inside of WordPress, with just a couple of clicks.

Bonus #45: Hilite and Share


Hilite and Share: Encourage Readers To Share Your Best Content, And Bring More Traffic Back To Your Site! Gives Your Readers A New Easy Way To Share Your Best Content.

Bonus #46: Social boost plugin



Your turn

“It’s A Great Deal. Should I Invest Today?”

You’ve got nothing to lose! What Are You Waiting for ? Try Sendiio 3.0 today and get The Following Bonus Now !


Editor's choice

I’m a young internet marketer who love any sorts of make money online. I only recommend powerful tools, marketing courses, plugins or anything which gives me pretty good results. There are many Internet Marketing tools over there and I only recommend powerful tools that can help us to increase revenues.