SQZin Review

SQZin Let Me Show you What it is

Sqzin is an all new marketing automation tool that will allow you to Automate your video marketing. Are you a video marketer? What’s the hardest part of your job? Is it coming up with fresh ideas? How about filming? Do you loathe the editing process? Perhaps you love it, but wish it took less time. Is there ever enough time? Look, video marketing is one of the most profitable, yet time consuming areas of online marketing.

It’s a tough gig to maintain, and once you start to fall behind, it’s a slippery slope that is tough to recover. What if you had a program that would let you piggyback other marketer’s video content? And not just by embedding a YouTube video- but with your own content and link over their video? How do you do it and how do you do it Legally?

Before if you wanted to created, you’d have to You have to dream it up, Plan it, Write it, Edit it Then publish. If you are going to go the “lazy” way and rewrite high quality content. You have to find it, Come up with your own ideas and spin, Rewrite all of it to make it unique. Then edit And finally publish And even when you’re rewriting, that content can be very long.

SQZin Reviews

Now you can create “squeezed” content to an audience that will love it without even building a website. Using the insane power of social media, you can harvest viral traffic – without even creating any content. It’s called Sqzin where you can instantly find content viral content. Turn it into a squeeze page with just a simple click of a button And profit. That’s right, you can use somebody else’s viral content which has been proven to get attention to increase your conversions Without rewriting or recreating anything.

If you have a product, you make sure people see it all the time, you’ll always be their first option to buy. Now, before if you wanted to do this you’d have to dress up as a clown, write video content, and record a video, then send it off to a video editor to edit. Today, we are blessed with Squizin. A magnificently simple way to hijack already viral content and turn it into a high converting, highly engaging squeeze page with just a simple click of a button.

But time is short. The SQZin offer is closing soon, which is the core of this strategy (actually, it’s the only thing you need to buy, Ever to make this work). This is the last day of the special lifetime offer at the discount price. So, now is the time to take action. After today, the price for the easiest and most powerful solution to automated viral traffic will never be the low again. Get Sqzin Now.

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SQZin Overview


There's simply no easier way to be making income online in 2019. Software that finds the trends before 99.99% of the Internet does and basically gift wraps you a lifetime of free traffic well that kind of thing is normally priceless but today, you can get it for a song. This is a complete system, that anyone can pick up, follow and profit with. You don't need a website (you can use it for your website if you have one), you don't need to write anything, create anything - just use our software, find trends, put your CTA's on them and share. Get it while it's hot.
9.5 Total Score

There's simply no easier way to be making income online in 2019. Software that finds the trends before 99.99% of the Internet does and basically gift wraps you a lifetime of free traffic well that kind of thing is normally priceless but today, you can get it for a song. This is a complete system, that anyone can pick up, follow and profit with. You don't need a website (you can use it for your website if you have one), you don't need to write anything, create anything - just use our software, find trends, put your CTA's on them and share. Get it while it's hot.

Easy To Use


SQZin Features

  • SQZin Viral Discovery Tool. Jokingly named the ‘BuzzSumo Killer’ by some of our members, the content discovery tool is your goldmine to finding news, videos or even products as they go viral. Without BuzzSumo’s $100+ monthly price tag. You can do a search for Any niche content and have it come back with results ready to set your autoresponder ablaze. Once the search is done, just click on the article you want to ‘squeeze’ and SQZin will work it’s magic.
  • Viral Sharing Buttons. These buttons may look innocent, but they’re secretly waiting to smash your traffic stats through the roof. Social sharing buttons appear automatically with every link that you squeeze. Your visitor can share the great content on the major social media platforms you select. Making every link you share instantly viral giving you tons of exposure for your customised calls to action buttons, option forms, affiliate links, product links, videos or whatever you choose to link to.
  • Cloaking & Tracking. As an online marketer one of the first things you’ll be told (maybe, after ‘the money is in the list build a list!’) is the importance of cloaking and tracking. Cloaking protects your affiliate links, from wannabe commission thieves so you get to keep more of your hard earned cash. Tracking is vital for knowing what is converting, who is buying and where your time is best spent. Sure, numbers might be boring if Math isn’t your thing, but trust me, they start getting a whole lot more fun when these trends turn zero’s into $$’s.
  • SQZin Video Squeeze Pages. Copy and paste a video link to create high converting video squeeze pages complete with autoresponder optin form, added calls to action and more. You can profit immediately by adding an extra affiliate link in a pop over call to action too! Or use it to get people to a webinar Or put a sales video from a product release, or an Amazon review video. Click the image to the right to see a live demo of a video squeezepage that took just 2 minutes to build.
  • Customised Headers. On every page you squeeze, you’ll see an attention bar header. These are customisable, letting you use all kinds of tricky marketing techniques like: Simply keep it at the article/post name, Rename it to something more targeted to your audience, Add your company name for more branding, Mention a special bonus offer for action takers, Use it as a ‘pre’ headline to add extra ‘oomph’.
  • Add CTA’s & Optin Forms. Here’s the Real gold! These are the attention grabbing slide-in’s that will drive more clicks than anything currently on the market. In the slide-in you can add an optin form, making it a clever eye catching lead capture page Or place a call to action button, linking to a targeted affiliate product, or a contact page, or anything you want to use that will make you money.
  • SQZin Interstitial Landing Pages. Use this feature to make timer controlled squeezepages. You can set how long you want to make them wait, what you want them to see and then where you want to redirect them after (and which CTA/Optin form to show them). You can use this to warm them up to an offer they are about to see on the next page, mention your brand before sending them to an affiliate link, or welcome them to your eCommerce store the options are all up to you.
  • Password Protect Option. Click the image to the right to see the password protection in action. To unlock, you can use the password: vipdemo. Locking pages is useful for really increasing engagement, delivering special items, bonuses, exclusive content and really any kind of secret/hidden/VIP type downloads you can think of.

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What SQZin Can do for you

  • SQZin Turn a webpage/link into a viral, list building, cash sucking squeeze page with banners, CTA’s or optin forms.
  • Works for Any link can be turned into a profitable squeeze page including, news articles, a quiz, Youtube video, Shopify offer, affiliate link or FB post.
  • SQZin No editing or writing or even English language skills required, Create instant video squeeze pages that can go viral with just a couple of clicks.
  • Finds up to date Viral content you can profit from, that is updated every 10 minutes. Like BuzzSumo without the absurd restrictions and $79 (Min!!!) per month fee.
  • SQZin Build your list and get more clicks to your offers in a fun, exciting new way. SQZin user you can simply: Search for trending Viral content that will catch people’s attention, Squeeze it (turn it into a squeeze page, viral header, CTA etc), Share the link Profit, Hooray.
  • Instantly add optin forms and CTA’s on the viral article links Or add to affiliate links, product pages and more.
  • SQZin 100% Free built in viral traffic. Taps in to viral content Before it’s gone viral. Start getting paid for your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Google+ share. Works on PC & Mac using your browser.

SQZin Will Work For Everyone

  • Shopify & WooCommerce. Squeeze a single product or even your entire store, then promote it like you normally would. People using this method have seen huge 300% instant boosts in sales.Or use our discover feature to find trending products before they go viral so you can be at the forefront of the next fidget spinner craze.
  • Video Marketers. Our software lets you create viral video squeeze pages in a snap, just get your YouTube video link and paste it into Sqzin. You can add optin forms, calls to action and more making this the fastest way to get a video squeeze page created. Or, use it to make money sharing cat videos.
  • Email Marketers. Cloak and track your links with a single click, add your own branding, mention your special bonus offers or a coupon you’ve got to increase conversions. Or kick things up a notch by using the password lock feature to drive up higher engagement on the clicks, with more people opening, reading and watching.
  • Affiliate Marketers. Sqzin automatically cloaks your links to protect your commissions, making each affiliate promotion instantly more profitable. Viral affiliate links: Possibly the most incredible thing you will ever see is people excitedly sharing YOUR affiliate promotional links for you, Sqzin makes it happen.
  • Website Owners. Use our instant social squeeze function which automatically turns links you choose on your website into an instantly squeezed viral page. We’ll give you an (optional) line of code and then any time someone clicks the share buttons those pages shared are “squeezed” for you, with your optin/CTA’s.
  • Startup & New Marketers. Sqzin is so easy to use that anyone can use what you already have to make more money and leads – or use our discover tool to find trending material. Whatever stage of marketing you’re at, you can and should use this to protect your links, tap into viral traffic and start making money faster and easier than ever.

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SQZin Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it ‘Newbie Friendly’ Is It, Really? SQZin is perfect for people just starting out online, and seasoned marketers alike. If you’re worried about not making it work, don’t. We’ve got training videos to help you, and a team of friendly staff ready to assist along the way.
  • How quickly can I start making money with Sqzin? Actually, I hate this question but it’s ok, I know – you want to know. The truth is, it depends on a lot of factors, the niche you choose, what you plan to use Sqzin for (either beginner, viral video and/or traffic type uses – or higher level, list building, CTA strategies). Results will of course vary, but if you use this software you Will see a marked increase in your traffic, sign ups and sales. We guarantee it, or just ask for your money back.
  • Are There Any Monthly Fees? No, we normally charge a monthly subscription, but during launch we’re waiving that subscription fee – letting you get access to the entire suite for a fraction of the price.
  • What are ‘Monthly Actions’ and why is it limited to 1,000? Using the software is mostly unlimited for the majority of what you’ll be doing, but for the actions we’ve had to cap it at 1,000. While this might not sound like very many – 1,000 goes a long way, and is measured by unique visitors. The actions are reset every month and you’re getting a lifetime of activity to your pages, so after just 12 months of your membership you could have potentially received 12,000 new subscribers or clicks to your affiliate offers, making your investment cost of each of them just $0.003. When’s the last time you were able to buy traffic, for that much – let alone optins and hyper-targeted clicks to your offers.
  • What happens to my pages when my month’s actions run out? If you go beyond your 1,000 actions (first of all, congratulations!!!), your pages will continue to work as normal except that the optin slide-in and CTA buttons will no longer display. They’ll start showing again when a new month starts.
  • Can I buy more actions? Yes, we have varying membership only alternatives. If you join, we’ll give you the opportunity to increase your monthly allowance at a special (entirely optional) new members discount.
  • What are CTA/Optin variations? In your account you’re able to store up to 10 different optin lists, or call to action slide-in buttons at any one time. You can edit, add, remove and delete them at any time, but you are only able to have a max of 10. You can use these 10 over as many different pages as you’d like. Our most successful ‘beginner level’ members find that this helps keep their focus on building more profitable viral pages, rather than scattering wildly. If you’d like to increase your variations you can, with the special new members offer you’ll see straight after your purchase.
  • Do I have to buy today? Well, no – nobody is twisting your arm – but, it would be rude of me to not mention that the price is going up – and up so right now is the best time to buy it at the best price. When you come back tomorrow, the price will have increased.

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SQZin Bonus Package

SQZin bonus

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Special Bonuses for the Dope Review Audience: You’ll get all the bonuses listed on the Salespage, but I’m going to give you guys a SPECIAL bonus as well. If you Download SQZin via any link on this page you’ll also get my bonus package $2200 Value. Believe me, my bonus package will save you time, money and make your life a little easier !


Check Out The Huge Bonuses You’ll Get FREE

Total Value : $2200+

Bonus #1: Facebook GFX Pro


Bonus #2: Facebook Timeline Optin


Bonus #3: Facebook Direct Pro


Bonus #4: Social Audience Builder


Here I have an Audience Builder that I only use in house to refine audiences inside FB. This is a very powerful tool. Its a web based app and I’m sure your list will get EXTREME value from.

Bonus #5: Facebook Business Finder


No need to break a sweat because this simple 2-click software spits out local leads by hundreds! Unlike other tools in the market that are slow to give you details, FB Business Finder gives you hundreds upon hundreds of desperate businesses that could be your potential clients!

Bonus #6: Facebook Timeline Survey


Bonus #7: Facebook Admin


Bonus #8: Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!


Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!


BONUS #9: 15 Impressive Timeline Covers


BONUS #10: 20 Retargeting Ad Images




Bonus #12: WP Store Press


WP Store Press is a WordPress theme that will allow you to easily create your own shopping mall within Facebook. This WordPress theme has been designed to allow e-commerce marketers to have Facebook, mobile, and pc based e-commerce stores up and running in as little as five minutes. This is perfect for anyone who is wanting to tap into the power of Facebook to sell their products.

Bonus #13: Instagram Traffic


For the first time ever… You’ll learn how to use Instagram to create a viral buzz for your products that are people who are going to go crazy for… See Instagram followers differ to Facebook users, since they will see every single post you write, bringing in traffic, and when you master a few golden never before seen secrets, you’ll be MILES AHEAD of the competition

Bonus #14: Pinterest Perfection


Bonus #15: Youtube Video Mastery


Learn how to use YouTube to earn passive income, monetize your videos & most importantly create compelling video content specifically for your YouTube videos.

Bonus #16: Tube Ads Genie


Literally Force Visitors Who Watch Videos On Your Site To Click on YOUR ADS Bringing You Commissions & Sales On Complete AUTOPILOT

Bonus #17: Video Marketing Hack



Learn how you can achieve 50% open rates & 30% click rates from all your emails.

Bonus #19: Low Cost Web Traffic Surge


Bonus #20: The Traffic Generation Personality Type


Bonus #21: Lead Avalanche



Bonus #22: Traffic Extreme


Bonus #23: Instant Traffic Mastery


Bonus #24: Like, Share & Follow

large_8527_01 (1)

Here’s Your 30 Day Guide To Mastering Social Media Marketing! Learn How To Use Social Media More Efficiently And Increase Your Outreach With Specific, Proven Strategies!
What is social media? Now, most of us are aware of some of the most popular social media sites but what are they? The term “social media” is basically the method of how people interact, share, and create information over a virtual network and community.

Bonus #25: Quick Guide To WordPress SEO



Grab your graphics design solution and shortcut.
367 brand new and original graphics for your website.
For a total of 20 modules

Bonus #27: WP Easy Optin Pro Plugin


The easiest way to add email blocks to any blog page in your wordpress theme.
An effective way to increase your mailing list through blog posts.



Bonus #29: SEO Stone Plugin


Just 2 simple steps to get these bonuses

  1. Get SQZin  by Clicking here to download it now or via any link on this page
  2. Your bonuses will be delivered inside your JVZoo Purchases Dashboard, Warriorplus, etc. If you cannot find them, forward the receipt to my email at: tim.walker.dr@gmail.com . I’ll help you out.


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What, You Want More? Since You Asked…



Bonus #30: Reputation Management


Bonus #31: Video Support Force


Discover How You Can Quickly and Easily Create Video Training Centers For Your Products…That Will Lower Support Tickets, Lower Refund Rates, Create High Stick Rates, And Let You Run Your Business On Autopilot!

Bonus #32: Ultimate Minisite Templates


Bonus #33: 30 Stunning Graphical Images For Website


4% more total views on average are attracted by content containing compelling images than content without images. The better and clearer the images, the higher the consumer base!

Bonus #34: Social Signals for SEO

social signals for seo

Bonus #35: 50+ Niche Pack


Bonus #36: Wp Local Business Plugin


An Easy To Use System That Creates Social-Powered Business Landing Pages In Seconds! Everything You Need To Setup A Killer Professional Business Landing Page That Anyone Can Create! This system is designed for anyone who wants to get a full business landing page site up and running in minutes without installing a big bulky

Bonus #37: Uber Optin plugin


Bonus #38: Membership Income Course


Bonus #39: WP Members Pro


Bonus #40: Interview with membership expert Dennis Becker


Bonus #41: Social boost plugin


Bonus #42: Wp EZ Share It Plugin


New Powerful, Off-The-Grid WP Plugin Allows Users To Share Your Images And Videos Of Your Blog And Link Them Back To You…Generating A Tsunami Of Traffic To YOUR Blog!


Your turn

“It’s A Great Deal. Should I Invest Today?”

Not only are you getting access to SQZin for the best price ever offered ( 25% Off Now ! ), but also You’re investing entirely without risk. SQZin include a 30-day Money Back Guarantee Policy. When you choose SQZin, your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not completely satisfied with it for any reason within the first 30 days, you’re entitled to a full refund – no question asked. You’ve got nothing to lose! What Are You Waiting for ? Try SQZin today and get The Following Bonus Now !


Editor's choice

I’m a young internet marketer who love any sorts of make money online. I only recommend powerful tools, marketing courses, plugins or anything which gives me pretty good results. There are many Internet Marketing tools over there and I only recommend powerful tools that can help us to increase revenues.
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