Three For One Web Hosting Let Me Show you What it is
Three For One Web Hosting is The Only Web Host That Gives You 3 Years of High Quality Top Notch Service For The Price Those OTHER Companies Charge For Just 1!
It’s A Fact Your Web Host Can Build Your Business Or Destroy Your Business. I don’t have to tell you that you need web hosting for your business. You already know that. And if you’re like most people, you’ve shopped around for a web host and picked one that gives you an account for the lowest cost. Congratulations, you’re saving money… but it may be at the cost of your business. Look At These Factors That Could Kill Your Online Business Faster Than Your Website Loads: Slow loading page times that your current potential customers don’t want to wait to load. This in turn makes you lose money. 47% of people who want to buy from you wind up going to competition because your site takes longer than 2 seconds to load.
Overloading shared hosting servers so that everyone on the server suffers, including your sites. Terrible rankings in the search engines because now Google is using load times as a ranking factor in their results. 40% of web visitors leaving your site because your site takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Delays of even 1 second can reduce customer satisfaction by 15% And The Worst Part Of All…Plenty of those bargain web hosting companies overload their servers, which can put you smack dab in the middle of the slow site swamp. You may have already experienced this and know that it can be a pain to deal with.
Which Of The Following Is True About Your Current Web Hosting Provider? You’re paying a monthly recurring fee to your web host with no relief in sight. You’re losing traffic and visitors due to slow loading time. You have a crappy host that delivers subpar service & slow loading times. That monthly fee started out low… but has been bumped up time and time again. Your web hosting provider only cares about getting your money – not you as a person. You’re paying too much for web hosting. If you find yourself in any of the above scenarios (as most people do), then you’re going to love what I’m about to offer you… How Would You Like To Get The Blazing Fast Web Hosting You Want, For Only 1/3rd Of What You’d Pay For Cut-Rate Low Quality Hosting Elsewhere? You might be paying $25 per month or more for hosting you can rely on. Or, you might be paying as little as $6 to $8 a month from one of those low quality bargain web hosts that gives you nothing but headaches. Introducing Three For One Web Hosting.
Three For One Web Hosting doesn’t engage in flashy celeb ads so all of those savings they pass onto their customers. So if you want to have a web host you can rely on, that makes sure your sites are always up and fast, and that you can get guaranteed fast support from, then you need to see what’s being offered here. The price is extremely low during this special launch so you definitely don’t want to miss out while the getting is good. Get Three For One Web Hosting Now.
You've got nothing to lose. Try It Today And You'll Also Get The Following Bonus Bellow!
===Check out The Three For One Web Hosting following Bonus You’ll Get===
Three For One Web Hosting Overview
You've got nothing to lose. Try It Today And You'll Also Get The Following Bonus Bellow!
===Check out The Three For One Web Hosting following Bonus You’ll Get===
Three For One Web Hosting Features
- Top of The Line Hardware – Gives You Blazing Speeds: Specifically, a minimum of Dual Xeon L5630 with 8 Cores (16 HT Cores), 96 GB DDR3 RAM, SSD Storage for OS and MySQL with RAID Enterprise Sata Storage, connected via 1Gbps Network. If you’re a non-techie, this just translates to having a great server that is as fast as a speeding bullet! With Three For One Web Hosting, no more potential buyers (or Google) turned off by waiting for your website to load.
- Top of The Line Software For Faster Loading Sites: They use Litespeed Web Server. If you’re not techie, then this means that it’s able to handle more users, any massive traffic spikes, and neutralizes DDoS attacks. Along with that, they also use CloudLinux which prevents any one website from hogging all the resources. This way they make sure your site is serviced correctly while providing dynamic site security at the same time.
- 24/7 Support Available Whenever You Need It: Their friendly team of support engineers have been providing dynamic support for the past 14 years. If you ever experience any issues with your hosting, simply submit a ticket and our team will help you get them resolved fast – most times within the first interaction!
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee: Nothing is more important than your website being seen by your web visitors and customers. That’s why they’ll make sure that your website is up and functioning at all times. This way you’ll never drop a sale!
- Unlimited Domains: They understand not everyone has just one website that they promote. That’s why they’ve decided to include the ability to host unlimited domains for your various websites and niches. Plus, it’s completely simple to add a domain to your web hosting package with hassle at all.
- Easy To Use cPanel Control Panel: With every Three For One Web Hosting account, they’ll also include an easy to use cPanel account at no extra charge. This way you can manage your hosting quickly and easily right from the start!
- All The Applications You’ll Ever Need: If there’s any application you want to install on your domains, they’ve got you 100% covered. With only one click, you can install the popular applications like WordPress, Joomla, osCommerce, Gallery, and more!
- Unlimited Email Accounts: Want to separate personal emails from business emails on your domains? Or even just have a separate email for billing purposes? No problem. Three For One Web Hosting give you the ability to create as many email accounts as you like with no hassle.
- Unlimited FTP Accounts: If you’re like most website owners, you’re probably not too technical and you have a website developer handle a lot of the technical stuff. By having an unlimited amount of FTP accounts, they give you complete control over how your files and folders are accessed without worry.
- Unlimited MySQL Databases: With Three For One Web Hosting, they also give you the ability to have unlimited MySQL databases. Now you won’t have to ever worry about the limitations of installing any apps on your brand new web hosting account.
- Unlimited Subdomains: Listen, sometimes you want to have multiple variations of a site on one domain or heck, even just have a site to test some things. They get it and they’ve totally got you covered. There are no limits to how many subdomains you can have. Just enter the details you want for a subdomain and you’re good to go.
- Free Website Builder: With Three For One Web Hosting, You’ll also get access to the Free website builder that requires no scripting or coding. You don’t even need to know HTML! That means even if you’re the non-techie, non-programming type, you can still create a great professional looking website.
- Enterprise RAID Storage: In addition to everything else, they also provide you with the incredibly fast lightning RAID storage you need to handle all the bandwidth and power needed for your websites.
You've got nothing to lose. Try It Today And You'll Also Get The Following Bonus Bellow!
===Check out The Three For One Web Hosting following Bonus You’ll Get===
Three For One Web Hosting Frequently Asked Questions
- What does “Three For One” mean? Three For One Web Hosting is their brand, it signifies that you get three years of hosting for the price of one year from the competition.
- Can Three For One Web Hosting handle every website? Three For One Web Hosting is not for customers that should be on a VPS or a dedicated server. Let’s be honest – you know who you are. You have 20+ wordpress websites with intensive plugins and scheduled jobs every 2 minutes, or are constantly scraping hundreds of websites. Their service is for customers that won’t abuse the shared resources. Please do yourself a favor and go purchase a VPS. They use CloudLinux to partition their shared accounts to prevent this abuse from slowing down their servers.
- This sounds too good to be true. Is it? The number one concern their potential customers have is “maybe it’s too good to be true”. It’s not. Having served over 58,000 clients, they know the lifetime cost of a hosting customer. On average, they know how much storage they use, how much bandwidth they use, how much technical support they require and how long they will remain customers. They know how much it costs them to provide an excellent service with excellent support to these customers and they make a fair profit to ensure they can continue offering this service.
- Are these prices REALLY “three for the price of one?” They sure are. They scouted several ‘big name’ web hosting companies and decided to base ther pricing on a popular alligator branded hosting company that shall remain anonymous. Three For One Web Hosting gives you 3 years of their hosting for the price that they charge for 1 year, as of their September 1, 2018 pricing.
- Do you allow online storage of non-hosting files? Three For One Web Hosting is not for customers looking for an online storage repository. Their hosting servers are meant for hosting. Please don’t backup your home files, other websites, or multiple copies of your website and database on their servers. This impacts everyone on the server. They don’t allow Three For One Web Hosting to ensure the best hosting experience for all of their customers instead of a few resource abusers.
- What happens when my three years are up? With Three For One Web Hosting, You can renew at a price that will still be 1/3 of the popular hosting company’s renewal price. Solo renewal is $107.40 for 3 years instead of 1 year with the other company, a savings of $214.80. Unlimited renewal is $143.30 for 3 years instead of 1 year with the other company, a savings of $286.60.
You've got nothing to lose. Try It Today And You'll Also Get The Following Bonus Bellow!
Three For One Web Hosting Bonus Package
Special Bonuses for the Dope Review Audience: You’ll get all the bonuses listed on the Salespage, but I’m going to give you guys a SPECIAL bonus as well. If you Download Three For One Web Hosting via any link on this page you’ll also get my bonus package $2100 Value. Believe me, my bonus package will save you time, money and make your life a little easier !
Check Out The Huge Bonuses You’ll Get FREE
Total Value : $2100+
Bonus #1: Quick Guide To WordPress SEO
Bonus #2: WP Easy Optin Pro Plugin
The easiest way to add email blocks to any blog page in your wordpress theme.An effective way to increase your mailing list through blog posts.
Grab your graphics design solution and shortcut.367 brand new and original graphics for your website.For a total of 20 modules
Bonus #5: Ultimate Sales Page
Bonus #6: Ultimate Minisite Templates
Bonus #7: Wp EZ Share It Plugin
New Powerful, Off-The-Grid WP Plugin Allows Users To Share Your Images And Videos Of Your Blog And Link Them Back To You…Generating A Tsunami Of Traffic To YOUR Blog!
Bonus #8: SEO Stone Plugin
Bonus #9: Social Signals for SEO
Bonus #11: 50+ Niche Pack
The ebook was written by a seasoned ghostwriter with over 12 years experience, and focuses on building dynamic, powerful backlink campaigns that will FLOOD your website with FREE targeted traffic, forever! Over 40 pages of content included!
Based on 7+ years of experience with WordPress. Avoid The Deadly, Stupid, Profit Crushing WordPress Mistakes.
Quickly and easily protect your wordpress sites with these amazing security secrets that will stop hackers dead in their tracks.
Bonus #17: The Traffic Generation Personality Type
Bonus #18: Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!
Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit!
Bonus #19: Instagram Traffic
For the first time ever… You’ll learn how to use Instagram to create a viral buzz for your products that are people who are going to go crazy for… See Instagram followers differ to Facebook users, since they will see every single post you write, bringing in traffic, and when you master a few golden never before seen secrets, you’ll be MILES AHEAD of the competition
Bonus #20: Pinterest Perfection
Bonus #21: Youtube Video Mastery
Learn how to use YouTube to earn passive income, monetize your videos & most importantly create compelling video content specifically for your YouTube videos.
Bonus #22: Tube Ads Genie
Literally Force Visitors Who Watch Videos On Your Site To Click on YOUR ADS Bringing You Commissions & Sales On Complete AUTOPILOT
Bonus #23: Video Marketing Hack
Bonus #24: Instant Traffic Mastery
Learn how you can achieve 50% open rates & 30% click rates from all your emails.
Bonus #26: 20 Background Images
With these 20 professionally background images. If you are looking for the best graphics to spruce up your website, these are the ones you need!
Bonus #27: 30 Stunning Graphical Images For Website
4% more total views on average are attracted by content containing compelling images than content without images. The better and clearer the images, the higher the consumer base!
Just 2 simple steps to get these bonuses
- Try Three For One Web Hosting by Clicking here to download it now or via any link on this page
- Your bonuses will be delivered inside your JVZoo Purchases Dashboard, Warriorplus, etc. If you cannot find them, forward the receipt to my email at: tim.walker.dr@gmail.com . I’ll help you out.
You've got nothing to lose. Try It Today And You'll Also Get The Following Bonus!
What, You Want More? Since You Asked…
Bonus #28: Flash Pages Plugin
Create extremely fast marketing pages in literally seconds that look professional and are proven to convert
Bonus #29: Sales Page Wizard
A step-by-step wizard that will build out your entire funnel and sales pages with NO development or design skills required.
Bonus #30: FB Webinars
Generate more traffic from Facebook with this really cool software for generating webinars on Facebook that drive more traffic and sales for your offers
Bonus #31: Scarcity Demon
This is a WordPress plugin that will create instant real one time offer pages with unique counters built in.Scarcity Demon will literally put YOU in control of time – and you don’t even need technical expertise to get those countdown timers up and running on all of your offers. With Scarcity Demon installed on your offers, your buyers will be racing against the clock to hit to hit those buy buttons again and again!
Bonus #32: Local Lead Booster
The perfect plugin to help generate massive amounts of new opportunities and leads for your local business.
Bonus #33: Wp Local Business Plugin
An Easy To Use System That Creates Social-Powered Business Landing Pages In Seconds!Everything You Need To Setup A Killer Professional Business Landing Page That Anyone Can Create! This system is designed for anyone who wants to get a full business landing page site up and running in minutes without installing a big bulky
Bonus #34: Uber Optin plugin
Bonus #35: Membership Income Course
Bonus #36: WP Members Pro
Bonus #37: Interview with membership expert Dennis Becker
Bonus #38: WP Store Press
WP Store Press is a WordPress theme that will allow you to easily create your own shopping mall within Facebook. This WordPress theme has been designed to allow e-commerce marketers to have Facebook, mobile, and pc based e-commerce stores up and running in as little as five minutes. This is perfect for anyone who is wanting to tap into the power of Facebook to sell their products.
Bonus #39: Sales Funnel Explosion
Learn how to maximize each visitor and customer by creating a sales funnel that can double or triple your conversions and revenue!
Bonus #40: WP Cloud-Based Support & Knowledgebase
See how you can turn any WordPress site, into a professional support & knowledgebase center for your customers and prospects.
Bonus #41: WP Viral Page Plugin
Make highly shareable pages for social media sites using special effects andmusic with this wordpress plugin. Fun and easy to use!
Bonus #42: Headline Creation Course
Bonus #43: WP Email Countdown
A Powerful And Crazy Profitable WordPress Plugin That Allows You To Inject Scarcity In Your Emails With Effective Countdown Timers That Will Make People Do Your Bidding And Generate RESULTS For You!
Bonus #44: WP Magic Page
Create timed-video pages that work directly inside of WordPress, with just a couple of clicks.
Bonus #45: Hilite and Share
Hilite and Share: Encourage Readers To Share Your Best Content, And Bring More Traffic Back To Your Site! Gives Your Readers A New Easy Way To Share Your Best Content.
Bonus #46: Social boost plugin
Your turn
“It’s A Great Deal. Should I Invest Today?”
You’ve got nothing to lose! What Are You Waiting for ? Try Three For One Web Hosting today and get The Following Bonus Now !